The Great Smoky Vacation

Hello there blog, I told you I would do my best to keep you alive. So, here is me trying to keep that promise and updating again (and hopefully a lot more often as well)! This past week has been a pretty exciting one, let me tell you why! Matt and I went on a... Continue Reading →

Life Update: The Story Behind The Ring

Hello blog, Don't mind me as I wipe the dust off of you. I'm sorry I abandoned you, it wasn't on purpose. I writing for an online publisher, and life got busy... so, the blog fell to the back burner. But now... I'm back! So, update since we last spoke. You know, some stuff has... Continue Reading →

How Many People Will It Take?

How many people will it take? What do I mean by that, you ask? How many people have to die before America admits that we have a problem? I can already sense the tension and anger of some of you reading this, but I beg you, please do not type some angry hate-filled comment back to me until you have read... Continue Reading →

Alzheimer’s in America

I've told a lot of people about a speech I wrote for public speaking class this semester, now I thought I would make it available to anyone who wanted to read it:   If I asked you what unpreventable disease killed around 700,000 people in one year alone, what would your first guess be? A... Continue Reading →

How To Change The World

Recently, I go the opportunity to preach at my church and some people who were unable to attend have asked to see my sermon, so.... here it is: For those of you who don’t know, I’ve recently started writing articles online for a website called The Odyssey. I’ve written a whole smorgasbord of different kinds... Continue Reading →

Yay A Blog!

Hi everyone! (by everyone I mean probably no one...) Anyways, welcome to my blog. I've recently started writing articles online for a website called The Odyssey Online (you can check out my articles at: and have fallen in love with writing! So... I've decided to start a blog. No promises I'll actually update this.... Continue Reading →

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